Monday, January 31, 2011


The past two weeks have been a blur of cold viruses gone wrong, a trip to the emergency room at our local Children's Hospital, dozens of boxes of Kleenex and drippy noses that would make a troll jealous. Besides the midnight jaunt to the ER we've been at home for about 7 days, and are on the mend -  but it is slow. 

So, what do you do when you've been inside for days on end and have exhausted every trick in your bag? You let your 3 year old run around with your camera, that's what. The shot above (one of 100 she took in about 20 minutes) basically describes how I want to be right now - in bed with the covers pulled over my face!

I'm not sure if the rights for this photo have been properly secured. Negotiations with the photographer went something like this:

Me: I love that photo, can I use it on my blog? 
Her: Nooooooooo!
Me: Sorry kid, I'm your mother. 

More soon, when we are on the other side of this bug!


Charlotte J. said...

Wow, looks like a very talented photographer, can you introduce me to her ;)

Miss M. said...

Love this photo! Super adorable, makes me smile! :) Liefs!