Happy New Year all! This week's topic on Illustration Friday is "clandestine". I love this word,and there were so many ideas I had when thinking about illustrating something for this topic.
I couldn't help but think of spies, and all the gadgets that spies use (ok, maybe the kind of gadgets little kid spies might use). As a kid I fancied myself a bit of a neighborhood spy. I had a notebook where I kept notes and drawings regarding the comings and goings of the rather geriatric crowd on my street. The gutsiest I ever got was peeking in the window at the neighborhood widow I code named "George Washington" due to her pure white bouffant hairdo that reminded me for some reason of our first president. Go figure. I was determined to have an eye witness account of her styling methodoligies. If I'd had a pair of these x-ray glasses I wouldn't have had to go peeping into her window.
I've also been thinking a lot about WPA posters, and old advertisements from that era. I just wanted to play around with that look a bit here. The invention of x ray specs of the novelty variety is attributed to Harold Von Braunhut, who also invented Amazing Sea Monkeys.